Oakland, California • 2,200 Sq. Ft.

The Tool Lending Library provides Oakland residents with free access to tools for home improvement and gardening projects.

Since its inception in 2000, the library has grown into a popular resource for local DIYers, with the demand for tools exceeding their existing space capacity.

This new building will be situated next to the existing Temescal Branch and will be comprised of two repurposed shipping containers adjoined perpendicular to one another to create an interior courtyard. Two new roof structures, located above the container roofs, will provide shade and protection from direct sunlight. The plywood interior will be furnished with shelves, pegboards, and hanging systems to store over 5,000 tools, ranging from small drill bits to large wheelbarrows. The library staff invite Oaklanders to visit the new building, browse, and attend a community workshop after their planned opening in the Summer of 2024.

Structural Engineer - Simplengi
Mechanical & Electrical Engineers - Introba